Cullingworth Village Primary School

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Year 5 & 6

Welcome to our Year 5 & 6 classes!

Sumatran Tigers

Class Teacher

Miss Housley

Support Staff

Mrs Dowd

PE Days


Bengal Tigers

Class Teacher

Mr Singh

Support Staff

Mrs Dowd

PE Days


Siberian Tigers

Class Teacher

Mrs O'Hare

Support Staff

Mrs Hughes

Mrs Dowd

PE Days


Hook day. Ancient Greek Art and Design.

Year 6 Transition Workshop.

Forest Schools with Lizzie!

Investigating electrical conductors and insulators.

Enjoying a SATs breakfast!

Ancient Greeks Home Learning.

Ancient Greeks Topic Overview

Summer Term 2023-2024

Celebrating world book day...

Our Marvellous Mountain end points answering the key question.

Key question: What makes a mountain a mountain and not a hill?

River walk to carry out field work.

Walk to Ellar Carr Beck.

Making contour mountains.

Marvellous Mountains Home Learning

Marvellous Mountains Topic Overview

Spring 2 2023-2024

Our fabulous finish. A medieval banquet!

Riotous Royalty Home Learning.

Riotous Royalty Topic Overview.

Spring 1 2023-2024

Songs from Christingle assembly

Year 5/6 Christmas Party

Money, Money, Money

Topic Home Learning

Topic Overview Autumn Term 2  2023

Money, Money, Money

Trip to Eden Camp

Topic Homework

The Outdoors People Camping Experience September 2023

Topic Overview Autumn 1

Our Learning