Cullingworth Village Primary School

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Year 3 & 4 

Welcome to our Year 3 & 4 classes!

Our topic for Summer 1 is Ruthless Romans

Please see homework sheet below. We are only using Summer 1 for now. 

Our topic for Spring 2 is 'The Saxon's Demise'

Take a look below at the homework tasks for this half term. 

Angel Sharks 

Class Teacher

Mrs Cullen

Support Staff

Miss Harper

Mrs Dawood

Mrs Simpson

Mrs Ford

PE Days 

Monday and Thursday.

Basking Sharks

Class Teacher

Mrs Bi (Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri)

Mrs Dewhirst (Tuesday)

Support Staff

Mrs Simpson

Mrs Ford

PE Days 

Tuesday and Thursday.

Hammerhead Sharks

Class Teacher

Ms Langley

Support Staff

Mrs Simpson

Mrs Ford

PE Days 

Wednesday and Thursday.

Our Learning

animated-earth-image-0008Our topic in Spring 1 is: All Around the World animated-earth-image-0008

Autumn 2: What lies beneath our feet?

Click HERE to see our homework grid for Autumn 2 animated-writing-accessory-image-0012

Autumn 1: Victorians - Children of the revolution

Class 3/4 L Times Table Rock star heroes!!

On Wednesday 13th September we visited the Industrial Museum in Bradford. We had a unique opportunity to experience an authentic Victorian classroom led by a museum staff member in the role of a strict teacher. The museum's permanent exhibitions showcased textile machinery, steam power, engineering wonders, printing equipment and a captivating collection of motor vehicles. We also explored mill worker's terraced houses dressed to represent three distinct time periods, allowing them to gain valuable insights into the changing lifestyles and environments of the past.

In our DT lessons we have designed, made and evaluated a moving vehicle. We made these using plastic bottles, dowls and wheels. We used balloon power to make them move!

To finish our unit of work in PE we had a mini Hockey tournament...