Cullingworth Village Primary School

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Values and Ethos

‘We deliver excellence for a brighter future.’

This is safe, happy school where we foster confidence and delight in all we do. We strive for excellence by nurturing academic habits and skills, emotional intelligence and creativity across the whole range of school subjects. We open up horizons of hope and aspiration and guide our pupils in fulfilling them. We teach our pupils to cope wisely and to be compassionate when things go wrong. Our pupils are taught to respect and value each other so that they learn the ultimate worth of each individual and their contribution to society. Ours is a school where relationships flourish, pupils are involved and contribute responsibly to our community. We equip our pupils with knowledge, skills and understanding to ensure their future is bright.

We provide a safe, welcoming, happy and healthy school.

We foster an understanding of the value of learning for life by developing lively, enquiring minds and the ability to experiment, investigate, take risks, challenge, reflect and make informed choices in order for everyone to reach their full potential.

We foster an inclusive school community that encourages mutual respect and understanding of people of all abilities, physical needs, gender, backgrounds and religious belief.

 We provide an exciting creative curriculum that engages and inspires children with their learning and includes working closely with parents, carers the local and extended communities to enhance and enrich educational opportunities, broaden horizons and widen experiences.

 We promote positive attitudes, behaviour and relationships.

ICARE Matters at Cullingworth