Cullingworth Village Primary School

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Year 1 & 2 

Welcome to our Year 1 & 2 classes from September.


 Snowy Owls (Year 1/2)

Class Teacher

Mrs Inman (Monday - Wednesday)

Mrs Wootton (Thursday and Friday)

Support Staff

Mrs Dumont, Miss Warriner & Miss Robinson

PE Days

Tuesday and Friday

Barn Owls (Year 1/2)

Class Teacher

Mrs Hansen

Support Staff

Mrs Wood & Mrs Campbell

PE Days

Tuesday and Thursday

Tawny Owls (Year 1/2)

Class Teacher

Miss Brown (Tuesday - Thursday)

Mrs Barlow (Monday)

Support Staff

Miss Stainer, Miss Clarke, Mrs Dumont, Miss Warriner

PE Days

Tuesday and Thursday


Our Learning

animated-weather-image-0079Our topic in Spring 2 is: Whatever the weather!animated-weather-image-0004

Click HERE to look at Spring 2's Curriculum Map for our topic: On the move!

Click HERE to see our homework task sheets for Spring 2animated-writing-accessory-image-0012

animated-train-image-0031Spring 1 is: On the move!animated-car-image-0014

animated-dinosaur-image-0010Autumn 2: Walking with dinosaurs!animated-dinosaur-image-0033

30/10/23 - We had an exciting day in school to start our dinosaur topic. First we found some CCTV images showing a dinosaur on the loose in our classroom. We then found some clues which lead us to a huge dinosaur egg in the library. We also found some dinosaur poo along the way! Yuk! We submerged our dino eggs in water to help them to crack over the next few days. Then we went on to make 'Wanted' posters to display round school to help us to find the runaway dino. Can you help us find him?

animated-doctor-image-0007Autumn 1 - We could be heroes!animated-superman-image-0010

We had so much fun on our Superhero topic hook day (08.09.23). We took part in lots of exciting activities such as superhero boot camp, designing our own superhero identity, making superhero cuffs, masks and jet packs!

In history we have learnt about The Great Fire of London. To finish our unit of work we made a carboard model of Pudding Lane. We took part in an exciting workshop where we set fire to our models and watched them burn in the same way they would've in 1666.