Cullingworth Village Primary School

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At Cullingworth Village Primary  School we take the children's E-Safety very seriously and work as a team to ensure our pupils are educated and prepared to surf the cyber world and all it has to offer safely. All of our E-Safety policies and documents can be viewed HERE on our Policies page.

 We have completed the online safety mark! September 2023                                                               

Digital leaders:

Our digital leaders are all in year 6and their role is to help out in school and at after school clubs where children are using computers. They also help to organize events in school such as Safer Internet Day.

Here are our 2024-2025 Digital Leaders...

Home/School Acceptable Use Policies (AUP):

Each year all of the children read and sign our Home/School Acceptable Use policy to ensure they understand how they can help to keep themselves safe whilst using technology.


Click HERE to see our KS1 AUP (Years 1-2).


Click HERE to see our Lower KS2 AUP (Years 3-4).


Click HERE to see our Upper KS2 AUP (years 5-6).

We celebrate Safer Internet Day each year by taking part in lots of activities around the theme. Here are some photos from Safer Internet Day over the years...

Click HERE to access the Safer Internet Day website...

Parent E-safety workshop:

Each year the PCSO from the Bradford Cyber Crime team hold an e-safety workshop/coffee morning in the hall for parents. She talks about how to ensure children are kept safe on their devices in the home.

Parents useful links:

Keep you family safe online with Google Families: HERE

The best privacy settings for my child's apps and devices:  HERE

What to teach my child about safe behavior online: HERE

The ultimate guide to parental controls: HERE

Be Internet Awesome - tips and activities: HERE

Exploring youtube in a supervised way: HERE

Protecting your child online CEOP: HERE

Childline - staying safe online: HERE

Learning from home

If your child is learning from home for any reason they may be using the computer to complete tasks set by their teachers and communicate with their friends and family. Therefore it is really important that you ensure that they are safe whilst doing so. I have created the following checklist to make it simple and easy for you to check that you have everything in place on your devices in your home to ensure your child’s safety:

  • Come up with your own rules as a family about what’s acceptable when using games, apps and sites using this online agreement template:

  • Check all devices and use the privacy and location settings to keep your child safe. The NSPCC have a support line to help you with this: 0808 800 5002.
  • Set up ‘Google Family Link’ if you haven’t already so you can view your child’s activity and manage their apps. Use the link below:

  • If your child is communicating with family and friends through social networking apps this should be done under adult supervision as most of these apps have a minimum age restriction of 12 - 16 years old. Here are some guides to these apps to help you understand how to keep your child safe:

Whatsapp (13 years old)-

What is WhatsApp? A safety guide for parents | Internet Matters

Instagram (15 years old), snapchat (16 years old), tik tok (15 years old) -

Instagram App Review | Common Sense Media

Snapchat App Review | Common Sense Media

TikTok App Review | Common Sense Media


Most importantly help your child to have fun and learn through the internet during these uncertain times.

Mrs Inman

(E-safety co-ordinator)

If you know your children have access to any of these apps or games below its worth a look!

Here are links to useful parent guides for some of the most popular apps/social media sites used along with other useful links.








X (formerly Twitter)





Play Station 5


Android smartphone

Youtube kids


Disney plus

Sky broadband

E-safety workshops...

Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 have online safety workshops each year lead by the cyber team from the West Yorkshire Police. The workshop covers the use of social media and the ages restrictions on social media websites and games. The children learn how to create a good password and communicating safely with others on the internet. Here are some photos...

Here are some e-safety posters made by years 5 and 6 after their workshop...

Here are some quotes from the children during their discussions after the workshop...

"I really enjoyed the talk. It made me realise that the things I post online now will still be there when I am an adult and looking for a job. It is important that I think carefully before posting online."
"During the talk I learnt that it is illegal to take or share photos without clothing on" 
"The talk made me realize how much technology has advanced in the past 30 years" 
"The video showed us that if you share details online anyone can access it. People aren't always who they say they are online and can lie about their identity to become your friend. Even without intending to you can share personal details such as your school (if you post pictures in your school uniform)"
"The talk made me realize that if you wouldn't do it or share it in person then don't do it online. For example, you wouldn't show a stranger pictures of your house. However if you post this online, strangers may be able to see your house and the area you live in."

Please ask in the office if you are unsure of your child's log in details for any of the above.

Click on the CEOP button for advice, help and to report!

CEOP Report



  • Link HERE to the CEOP (Child exploitation and online protection centre) Parent and carer's pages.
  • Link HERE to the CEOP Think You Know pages for children aged 8,9 and 10.
  • Link HERE to the CEOP Think You Know pages for children aged 5,6 and 7.